"Your life, your responsibility"

-our motto

girl looking at Blueprint

Our purpose

“Balance - TheBLNCEproject” hopes to bring awareness and encourage the acknowledgement of extreme emotional dependency.

A project made by Amanda Chiok to participate in The Coolest Projects Malaysia 2022. Noticing that surrounding communities had limited knowledge of extreme emotional dependency, we decided to make a website solely focusing on the topic "Extreme Emotional Dependency" we may decide to close off the website should we decide to do so.

"Dependency isn't a bad thing, as we humans by nature depend on others to survive. However, when this dependency crosses a limit, the existing relationship will inevitably turn into a toxic one."

Why are we called Balance?

We often hear phrases like "a balanced diet, a healthy body" and "keep a balanced lifestyle".
We believe that having a balanced emotional state is just as important.
Our website aims to raise awareness of "extreme emotional dependency". Some might take what we are trying to express as they should not be dependent at all.

"Each of us is dependent. It seems inherently relieving to be freed of the responsibility from some problem. " according to a thesis made by Robert Neil Weinbeinger on emotional dependency, dating and self-concept, "We are, in truth, dependent for our very survival on countless other persons every day. "

We should fight the urge to depend on others our whole lives. What we sincerely wish to express, is to not give up during the process and keep our dependency and independency balanced, just like balancing a scale.

Some might ask, "But isn't being independent better than being dependent?"
We can't give a 100% answer as questions like these are very subjective, but what we can say is that being extremely independent is just as bad as being extremely dependent as being the former may cause the individual to be very closed off and unwilling to ask for help even when met with situations where the said individual has a hard time dealing with it.

More About The Coolest Projects Malaysia:

A competition for young people ages 18 and under to create and showcase the great ideas they have created with technology.

This organisation at present has two age categories, one of which is a category for primary school students(12 years and under) and the other for secondary school students(13 to 18 years).

Participants may join individually in the project categories of their choice or may participate in a team(max 3 participants per team at present)

So far, Coolest Projects Malaysia has four project categories for willing participants to choose from, namely: